The Scottish Aero Club

Latest News

Transition time at Take-Off

After many productive and successful years at the controls of our Aero Club based Youth into Aviation charity Take Off, Howard Duthie has elected to step back from the role of Chair and hand over the flying gloves to Jim Lachendro.

The Trustees owe a huge debt of gratitude to Howard for his leadership over the years and are delighted to report that he will remain as a Trustee and continue to support the charity’s ongoing activities.  

For more information on Take Off please go to their website

SAC Christmas Party 2024

Thanks to everyone who came along to join us. A great night was enjoyed by all, with festive fun and games, fantastic food, and even Santa stopping by to say hello ho-ho!

Huge thanks are due to Elaine for putting everything together and to her team of elves who helped to ensure that everything went smoothly on the night.

We also had a great range of prizes for the end-of-party raffle and raised £180 for our very own Take Off, Scotland’s youth into aviation charity.  Sincere thanks to everyone who donated a prize 

Below you’ll find a selection of photos (one or two mildly ‘incriminating’), over to you to you work out what was going on!

Posted 22 December 2024

SAC Members’ – Better Flying Section

We’ve added new information to our Members Section which includes links to various organisations concerned with Air Safety and is designed to help to keep members’ flying fresh and up to date.  The page also includes a link to an incident reporting form to be used to make the SAC Committee aware of any incidents you experience at Perth Airport.  Click HERE to go to the page.

Posted 14th October 2024


While we wait for HIAL to confirm a date for us to come along and discuss with them ways to encourage more GA traffic to use their airports (the reduction of recently increased fees and removal of recently added additional fees being a good starter for 10), they have written to us to clarify the new “Navigation Fee” in particular as follows.

HIAL have amended their airports’ Fees and Charges documents to make it clear that pilots will only be charged a Navigation Fee if they are landing or carrying out practice approaches or touch and goes.

Where an ATS is provided for overflight or transit then there will be no charge.

Posted 04 October 2024

Keeping clear of Danger - A message from The Tower

Dundee ATC works with the radio room at Perth to coordinate the safe transit of traffic going into Dundee using the RNP or ILS approaches. They will call and ask us if we have any traffic to affect and we duly pass along the details of any aircraft KNOWN to us.

The Dundee 09 RNP starts about 3000 feet over Perth Airport, with joining points over the Friarton Bridge and Stanley, then descending over Perth Airport towards Dundee.

The ILS traffic goes beacon outbound towards Perth before turning back towards Dundee, penetrating about half a mile into the Perth ATZ at approx. 2000 feet during this turn.

So, for aircraft departing 09 and climbing to the east, the line of hills ahead is close to the ILS area. Also, if flying a wide “bomber-circuit” for 27 and you are over the line of hills to the east of Perth Airport then, once again you’re close to the ILS area.

Overhead joins, especially from the east heading towards Perth can also put you very close to both of the Dundee approaches.

We know that in Class G airspace it’s not required to talk to anyone but can we ask you please, when flying between Dundee and Perth, just give Dundee or Leuchars Approach a quick call and let them know of your intentions. This will help to minimise the risk to you and other aircraft. Listening out on 121.080 for our “All Stations” broadcasts while in this area will also help to reduce risk.

Perth Airport Tower Team.

Posted 04 October 2024

SAC Merchandise

Looking for a stylish update to your wardrobe, a birthday/Christmas gift or, a gift for a friend?

We now have new stock of Round Neck T-Shirts, Polo Shirts, Caps and Lightweight Shell Jackets available in S, M, L and XL.

Please speak to Elaine at the Club 0r, to see images of the items available, please go to our Shop page HERE

Sales, Purchases, Syndicates

If you’re looking to buy or sell an aircraft, buy or sell a syndicate aircraft or if you have an aviation related item for sale or are looking to purchase something, please go to our Aviation Sales Purchases Syndicates page HERE.

There are some things there you might be interested in!

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