The Scottish Aero Club

Latest News

D-Day 80 - Adventures in a 1943 Piper L4 Cub with Russell Myles

Club and SAC Committee Member, Russell is the proud owner of a 1943 Piper L4 Cub.  Along with other Cub owners from all over Europe, he flew to Normandy to commemorate D-Day with a very special gathering and fly-past along the beaches.

Read Russell’s Normandy D-Day 80-year adventure  HERE.  Wonderful photos and a great story!  

13th July 2024

Visits to the Aero Club

The Club recently hosted Dollar Academy Air Cadets and Dunning Cub Scouts at the Club where they were able to explore and learn more about all operations at Perth Airport.

Dollar had the best of the weather for their visit during the afternoon of Monday 10th when they were able to take a detailed look around the SCAA helicopter along with the inside the SAC hangar and the ACS operations. For Dunning Cubs a wet and cloudy Thursday night knocked evening flying on the head, nonetheless they had a great time, asked lots of questions were amazed by our CCTV coverage of the hangar. Special thanks to Keith Boardman for his engaging hangar tour and access to his RV12.

If you would like to add your name to a list of folks willing to come and inspire young minds (talking points and a “steer” about touring the hangar readily available) please drop a note to

15th June 2024

Happy Retirement Russell Myles!

Hard to believe that Russell is old enough to retire … but he is!  After 1200 emergency flights with the Scottish Air Ambulance, not to mention an illustrious career in the RAF and commercial aviation, the time came for Russell to step down and enjoy general aviation flying as and when he feels like it!

The team at the Scottish Air Ambulance wanted to give him a bit of a send off and asked the Club to host a leaving party for him which we were very happy to do.  Russell is an active member of the aero club as well as serving on the Committee.  We think he had a good night!  

7th June 2024

2024 SAC Annual Fly-In 10th & 11th August - Save the Dates!

The dates chosen for the 2024  SAC Annual Fly-In are 10th and 11th August.  The event is still in the planning stages but please Save the Date and more information will be released as soon as possible.

The UK flying calendar is a busy one over the summer, so deciding upon a suitable weekend was not an easy task. We are hopeful, however, that as many of our members, family and friends will be able to make it.  Watch this space and our e-newsletters for further information.

Sales, Purchases, Syndicates

If you’re looking to buy or sell an aircraft, buy or sell a syndicate aircraft or if you have an aviation related item for sale or are looking to purchase something, please go to our Aviation Sales Purchases Syndicates page HERE.

There are some things there you might be interested in!

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