Pilot Information
Flying into Perth
Prior Permission Required (PPR)
All Perth-based aircraft and visiting aircraft wishing to use Perth Airport are requested to complete the PPR application form HERE to ensure you are booked in and we are expecting your arrival.

Out of Hours Indemnity
Click HERE to view Perth Airport’s information on Out of Hours use of the airfield.
(Out of Hours is included automatically for resident hangared aircraft)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Click HERE to view Perth Airport SOP
Booking Out Procedure
The airfield is licenced as ordinary use and as such all flights have to be specifically authorised by the licence holder. To allow this all flights must be booked out prior to departure, as stipulated by the licence holder. All visitors and SAC members are required to respect this procedure.
During operational hours, when the radio room is manned, booking out can be done via the Tower through Perth Radio on 121.080.
Those with Out of Hours Indemnity using the airfield out with these times must book out online through www.perthairport.co.uk. The site can be accessed using any device or from the Club’s briefing room computer.
Additional Airfield Information
Check with the A.I.S. website for current copies of the following:-
A.I.S. Textual data AD 2-EGPT-1
A.I.S. Airport Diagram AD 2-EGPT-2-1
(if links are broken then look for aerodrome index specific on the A.I.S. website)
NOTE : Noise sensitive area, White house near the end of 21, please avoid overflying.
PPR available from Radio Room: 01738 551631
Radio Frequency: 121.080
Temporary and overnight hangarage – Scottish Aero Club 01738 550055
Fuel JET A1 & AVGAS 100LL UL91 Available.
UK Met Office TAFs for North England, Scotland and Ireland (requires registration).
METARS in Plain English web site recommended using the following nearest airports. (With thanks to WWW.TheHangar.co.uk)
- Dundee Airport – EGPN (13 miles East)
- Leuchars (MIL) – EGQL (20 miles ESE)
- Edinburgh – EGPH (34 miles S)
Official: AIS / NATS website (registration required)
- Perth Airport = EGPT, Dundee = EGPN, Leuchars = EGQL, Edinburgh = EGPH
Disclaimer :- The individual Pilot is responsible for the accuracy of pre-flight information and safety of the flight. The information contained on this section is for guidance only.
Fuel at Perth Airport
For information on pricing and fuel at Perth Airport, please go to their website HERE.
Free Landings at Sherburn-in-Elmet
ACS have set up an agreement that allows all pilots based at Perth to visit Sherburn-in-Elmet Airfield and receive a free landing fee. Visiting pilots need to PPR, then report to the flight desk on landing and advise that they are based at Perth Airport. The landing fee will then be waived. Our thanks to ACS for this.
New contact details for Plockton PPR
The details for Plockton listed on SkyDemon don’t work (they’re being notified). The best number for Plockton is 01667 305 979.
The current fuel status at the airfield is self-service. Jet-A1 fuel and can be obtained with the monthly fuel codes which can be found by calling the above number.
For any future requests for PPR, please send an email to pdgkyle@btconnect.com.
Three fantastic flying routes ...
We have been busy preparing some suggested flying routes around Scotland for you to try. The routes include interesting historical sites and geographical features as well as details of distilleries along the way and information about airfields, areas of caution, Sky Demon maps, transport plus a suggested place for lunch.
Nessie & The Norsemen – beautiful scenic flight taking in Scotland’s Highest Mountain, Ben Nevis, then flying up the Great Glen along Loch Ness to Inverness. Overhead Inverness and across the lovely Moray Firth and up the rugged east coast from Inverness to Wick. Then over to the sea to Kirkwall in Orkney.
Campbeltown Corner – A trip out to the west coast, taking in some spectacular scenery and overflying the powerful Corryvreckan whirlpool as well as all of the Distilleries on Islay. Lunch is at the scenic Coastal town of Campbeltown which used to be home to over 30 distilleries! Today it has only 3 with another one under construction.
The Rugged West – A trip out to Scotland’s north-western mountainous regions. You cross the Great Glen at Fort Augustus and head over to the magnificent, isolated peaks of Suilven and Stac Pollaidh, along the way you can see one modern “castle” (built by a Swiss national) and the “classic” castle of Eilean Donan an iconic image of Scotland. The outbound journey ends in the pretty town of Plockton.
Simply click on the links below for your route of choice. All routes have opportunities to take fantastic photographs so remember to send in your best photo for our photo competition. You can of course fly sections of the routes over a number of flights, or indeed use them as inspiration to bolt on areas you would like to explore yourself.
A lot of work has gone into preparing these routes and we would therefore request a donation to our charity of choice, Take-Off, if you wish to download and try them. Our suggested donation is £10 per route but any donation is very welcome. If you would like to make a donation to this worthwhile cause, please use the adjacent QR code to make your donation. Alternatively, there are two red donation boxes in the clubhouse.
Take-Off thanks you in advance for your support!
*Please note: You can scroll down on the SumUp page to donate as a guest – you do not have to download the App.
Take-Off aims to raise awareness of the myriad of opportunities in the aviation and aerospace industries, helping young people to consider career paths might otherwise never be familiar with. To visit the Take-Off website, please click HERE. Take-Off was founded and is run by members of the Scottish Aero Club. Take Off is a charity registered with OSCR, Registered Charity Number SCO43716. For further information on OSCR, the Scottish Charity Regulator, please go to their website HERE.